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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Race, Class and the coming kingdom of Brownback, (how there won't nothing brown about it!)

Doth the eye in the head decieve thee, the tongue in thy mouth blaspheme?

Bar-B-Q! The harbinger of things to come, (most which are already here) in the good ole' US of A. Most Bar-B-Q establishments, at least here about are places of business that tend to be rather colorless, if you get my drift. Much of the md-west is of course now the same. The wonderful dream of equality and the messy melting pot never quite came about. Wait, I'm wrong to some extent, in that all around you can see little brown babies dotting the landscape. Gotta love those older white folks who love their little brown grand children. (They actually kinda' make me tear up.) If there are such a thing as God's people, they are it.

Bar-B-Q! (which "Grammer Girl gives a correct spelling for but not a abbreviation) is for me a harbinger as when we were children, we never knew there was such a thing as "White's places," that sold Bar-B-Q! In our brave new world of the medical marvels, entire heart lung transplants, Buck Roger's Rocketry and High Definition internet porn, the "colored," Bar-B-Q! joint has disappeared. In fact blacks are being absorbed as they were in the United Kingdom, Circa, 300AD and prior to that date. Estimates as to the number of Africans vary, but ranged up to 70,000 and more in Britain, having decided to stay after the Romans left London around 383AD. (There were African soldiers w/ the Roman legions, who were feared and honored as great warriors and I believe they were considered some of the best archers of the emperor's  legions.

What you ask does this have to do with the title of this blog? Good question? America is becoming a place of homogeneity. Yes there are still many ethnic enclaves, but do we have the diversity of old? Granted, back in the day an Irishman was no more welcome than a Negro, but again, what will America look like in 2075? Will we be a homogeneous mass, or will diversity be still evident? More so, will the wisdom of diversity and the lessons learned still be cogent in out brave new world of technology and instant transactions?

What is that vision of the "Brave New World," for the near future? I think it has much to do with a homogenous mind set that sees

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