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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Slavery: Why it's so ingrained and why we still attempt it.

Slavery: Why it's so ingrained and why we still attempt it.

I wanted to briefly address the issue of Slavery.
It was called to my attention today by an article pointing out how a speaker (kari Ann RInker) from NOW had angered a panel (what specific members were never made clear w/ the exception of committee chairman Steve Brunk) by her use of a rubber stamp to symbolize the ready acceptance by a largely conservative legislature of Anti-abortion measures.
Brunk went on to complain of how Ms. Rinker had impugned the integrity of the committee by her implication of their ready acceptance.

I have this to say in her defence: Western, mostly conservative religious males are the status quo here in the United States. These same men fought for years to ensure that women would have no rights, to vote, to own property, or much else with their overt approval. In the few years past I have had, (thanks to CSPANN) the opportunity to watch as legislator after legislator trotted out many of the same tired bon mots to prove their points regarding “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” legislation and it’s repeal.

We live in a society that has it’s roots in English law. A system of law in which women were property, children were property and could be bought, sold and given away at the whim of a man when ever he wished. Have we forgotten about the horrific conditions of child labor, indeed slavery imposed on the lower classes in England. These very same laws and views were imported to the United States where women, minorities and children labored and died by the thousands under them for hundreds of years.

Slavery, that’s what we are talking about. A form of slavery imposed on women by men, and by religion. A form of mind control that says life is so precious that only men (or those properly initiated) may make the call as to what can be done with it. This need to control has been a part of the American mind set since the nations inception.


  1. Wow Vern...I wish you had more time to get these posts on video, even if you let me do the commentary as you do the writing. I would love to address some of these issues with the viewing audience daily or weekly, because it is Soooo relevant still today! Looking forward to chatting with you again soon. Thanks.


  2. Thanks Keith. Every thing is relavant, and nothing is!
